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Governing Board

Governing Board

Marifé Esteso Rubio


Dª Marifé Esteso Rubio

Trinidad Marqués Linares

Vice President

Trinidad Marqués Linares

Aranzau Gómez Dayas


D. Aranzazu Gómez Dayas

José Luis Baguena Rodriguez


D. José Luis Báguena Rodriguez

Philippe J. G. Blache

1st vowel

Philippe J. G. Blache

Francisco Pérez-Ojeda Chuecos

2nd vowel

Francisco J. Pérez-Ojeda Chuecos

Zoila Sanz Cantos

1st Substitute

Zoila Sanz Cantos

Bartolomé Bas Llopis

2nd Substitute

Bartolomé Bas Llopis

Cristóbal Ros Samper

3rd Substitute

Cristóbal Ros Samper


The Governing Board of the Official College of Real Estate Agents of Alicante

Its fundamental function is to assume, promote and carry out all the functions attributed to the College, except those that are the responsibility of the General Board, as well as to execute its agreements.

In this way and without limitation, the powers of the Governing Board are:

Agree on the admission of members subject to the provisions of the laws and these statutes.

Represent the College before the different Administrations, public or private entities, as well as in any type of acts and contracts that are celebrated.

Hire through employment or through the provision of services to the staff and professionals at the service of the College.

Sign collaboration agreements with any type of Administration, public or private entities, in compliance with collegiate purposes.

Organize, direct and inspect the progress of the College and approve the internal regulations necessary for the operation of the services provided for the correct execution of these Statutes.

Propose to the General Meeting the amount of collegiate income, deposits, contributions and decide the accrual and method of payment of collegiate fees and

of any other financial obligation of the members, adopting the necessary measures to comply with these obligations.

Prepare the annual budget and execute it, accounting for each of the payments or income in accordance with the applicable accounting regulations.

Appoint the people who represent the College in the Autonomous Council of the Profession and in other professional or administrative organizations of any type.

Open or close bank accounts in the name of the School, dispose or apply funds, deposit or withdraw securities, provide guarantees and raise them in favor of the School

and carry out any banking, commercial or civil operations it deems appropriate.

Defend the interests of the College and the Profession in court and outside of it, granting powers for lawsuits in favor of Lawyers and Attorneys.

Exercise sanctioning power with respect to the members of the College.

Evacuate consultations and prepare reports or opinions, at the request of interested third parties, the Public Administration, the Judiciary, or on its own initiative.

Ensure the training and professional development of members.

Ensure compliance with legal and ethical provisions in the professional interventions of its members, particularly respect for the rights of consumers and users, as well as the applicable regulations regarding social housing of any type,

assisting with the Public Administration in the correct execution of the housing policy established at all times by the public powers.

Collaborate with the Public Administration when it requests it and propose to it any initiatives it considers of general interest in matters of housing and urban planning.

or of particular interest for the professional development of members.

Approve its own operating regulations and those of the College’s services.

Agree to withdraw from membership due to non-payment of fees or other reasons established in these statutes.

How many other functions the College must perform that do not correspond to the General Board.

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