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API Membership
Requirements for

It is important for us to
the API is recognised by

Given the importance of the work it carries out and the heritage consequences of its intervention.

  • Have reached the age of majority and are not incapacitated.
  • Hold a degree, graduate, diploma, engineer, architect, technical architect, technical engineer or the official title of Real Estate Agent issued by the Ministry.
  • Not have a criminal record that could disqualify him/her from practising the profession.

To effectively join the Official College you will have to:

  • Fill in and send the application form addressed to the President of the College.
  • Pay the administrative costs of membership.
  • Pay the General Council’s membership fee.
  • Affidavit to be submitted to the General Council.

This documentation can be found at One Stop Shop

Documentation to be provided:

  • Photocopy of ID card.
  • Presentation of Official API Degree or Official University Degree that qualifies.
  • Two passport-size photographs.
  • Criminal record certificate.
  • Letter ordering the payment of school fees through the bank of your choice.

Notes of interest for future members:

  • It is compulsory to register with the Special Social Security Scheme for the Self-Employed or Self-Employed.
  • It is compulsory to register for Business Activity Tax (Impuesto de Actividades Económicas).

The application and other documentation should be sent by post to

× 639 019 809