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COAPI Alicante API Registration

Welcome and scope of the Law

We welcome you to our internal information system for the communication of information obtained in a work or professional context with the Official College of Real Estate Agents in Alicante (hereinafter, COAPI ALICANTE). Through this system, you can report on violations of European Union Law, and also on actions or omissions that may constitute a serious or very serious criminal or administrative infraction, according to Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption.

How the notifier can act

The internal channel of COAPI ALICANTE allows information to be presented in writing, verbally, or in both ways. As a notifier, you can choose to communicate through the following means:

  • – Web application (external management):
  • – Telefónica (external management): + 34 91 091 74 04 (Code: 16426)
  • – In person or by post: with the Head of the SII at the request of the informant, at the address: Calle Arzobispo Loaces, 5 entlo., 03003 Alicante.

Your communication should contain the maximum possible information available to you. You should not submit any personal data that is not relevant to the information.

When you submit information through any of the available channels, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your complaint within 7 calendar days of receipt, unless this may jeopardize the confidentiality of the communication. We inform you that if you communicate by telephone from a landline number, it will be necessary to provide your email address or mobile phone number so that you can receive the acknowledgment of receipt. Otherwise, it will be impossible for us to send you said receipt.


How your notification is managed

In the processing of communications submitted through this internal information system, the confidentiality of the data provided and the protection of informants and third parties involved are guaranteed at all times, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023. of February 20.

Each communication will automatically be assigned a unique case number and the reporter will receive an acknowledgment of receipt confirming delivery.

In the case of communications made anonymously, the system will show you the acknowledgment of receipt on the screen at that time and will provide you with a password that you must save, since only through it will you be able to access your communication, track the case, maintain communication with the person in charge of its management, providing additional information or responding to possible requests for information.

Once the communication is received, the person in charge of its management will carry out a preliminary analysis to determine if it is within the scope of the SII and if it is appropriate to initiate an investigation.

Within a period of 3 months, extendable by another 3 in cases where it is necessary due to its special complexity, you will receive information on the management carried out and, where appropriate, the result of the investigation.

Data Protection

We inform you that the personal data you provide in your communication will be treated as specified in the Privacy Policy.


You can communicate completely anonymously through the web application. You are not required to provide any personal information.

External information channels

It is also possible to inform, either directly or after communication through the corresponding internal channel of COAPI ALICANTE, on infringements of European Union Law, and also on actions or omissions that may constitute a serious or very serious criminal or administrative offence., included in the material scope of application of Law 2/2023, before the Independent Authority for the Protection of Informants (AIPI), before the corresponding authorities or autonomous bodies, and, when appropriate, to EU institutions, organizations or agencies.

Links to external channels:

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