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What is Apial?

Association of Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Agents of the Province of Alicante

APIAL is the Association of Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Agents of the Province of Alicante


It offers its associates the same benefits that chartered APIs enjoy.

If you want to be part of our group:

There are different ways to request registration in APIAL:

Prove that you have a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 5 years of experience in the real estate brokerage activity. In this case, registration in the Association will be final when the applicant has completed the training course provided by the Association.

Prove that you have specific training in the real estate sector, taught by a university center, public or private, equivalent to at least twenty European credits.

Prove that you are in possession of the Professional Qualification in Real Estate Commercial Management, regulated by Royal Decree 1550/2011, of October 31, or regulation that replaces it.

Possess the higher or official academic qualification necessary to access membership, in accordance with the General Statute of Real Estate Agents, as long as they prove a minimum of one year’s experience in the real estate sector.

Prove that they have been registered as API, in a practicing situation for more than one year, provided that their withdrawal was not due to the processing or resolution of a sanctioning file or due to an administrative or judicial resolution.

Be an API member in a practicing position in a territorial College of Real Estate Agents.

All the advantages.

They have all the tools that COAPI has available to members:

  • A dynamic website with legislation, contracts, agreements, news, etc…
  • The COAPI of Alicante has a Legal Department for its members.
  • APIRED: It is the database and real estate exchange, property of the COAPI of Alicante, and which all members and ALSO ASSOCIATES OF APIAL can use for free.

APIAL Statutes Documents

Board of Directors.

Marifé Esteso Rubio


Dª Marifé Esteso Rubio

Aranzau Gómez Dayas


D. Aranzazu Gómez Dayas

José Luis Baguena Rodriguez


D. José Luis Báguena Rodriguez

Philippe J. G. Blache

1st vowel

Philippe J. G. Blache

Francisco Pérez-Ojeda Chuecos

2nd vowel

Francisco J. Pérez-Ojeda Chuecos

Concepción García García

3rd vowel

Dª. Concepción García García

List of associates

Private area

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